A blog devoted to me, just what the world needed. Don't worry though I don't intend to fill it with self-indulgent spam, there's a good reason for it's existence.
I felt the need for such a blog to be created due to my imminent departure to New Zealand along with my travelling companion who's blog can be seen here.
In just ten days time we'll both be sat on a plane somewhere over Italy. That may sound nice but we'll only be a sixth of the way into our journey and about to commit acts of extreme violence to the screaming baby on the row in front of us.
Plenty to do in the 10 days I'v got left in the motherland though. Most notably is my gig on the 15th (thats thursday) at the old angel in hockley, it'll be my last gig with Ten Days Later, so obviously attendance is compulsory and it'll be a fantastic night. Also theres my party next saturday the 17th so come on over to mine bring beer or whatever and feel free to crash the night.